Islam and Other Faiths.

Mine is the religion of peace. Mine is the religion of understanding and tolerance. Mine is the religion whose followers are those who are saved. Mine, in the ending of this beginning, is the religion that values the community. Islam, from the word sa-la-ma meaning saved. But what is the meaning of being a Muslim? The Qur’an has stated that those who has already been given revelations need not be converted. This means that those who follow other Abrahamic faiths are already saved. However the Qur’an then also states that some of those who has received past revelations are already led astray with revisions/corruption of the original manuscripts.

Of course, each worshipers of various faiths will argue that theirs is the most true. However how many faiths in the world, at least the ones who have at least some monotheistic leanings, truly relate to Islam. The Qur’an states that there are far more prophets than the 25 who have their stories told in Abrahamic Faith’s holy books. For those who have been revealed about the certainty on the existence of God there are hundreds of thousands, and among those who are mandated to spread His word they number in the hundreds. Does this mean that even the religious faiths with monotheistic focus not of the four Abrahamic faiths (including the followers of Ibrahim’s teachings around Iraq and Iran) are legitimate methods of worship towards God, towards Allah swt (Allah is God in Arabic. Al=The, Ilah=the only one who must be worshiped/God)?

It could be revealed through research, but until such controversial endeavors are pursued only Allah knows.

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